First July News

July has been a very busy month for me….not sure why, everything turned up at once!

First of all I completed a Hare made from a whole variety of ‘up-cycled’ objects that was commissioned by Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. I was contacted ‘out of the blue’ by them as they have a display case in their museum that is for artists using recycling methods to create something new. I was delighted to have been approached by them but I had a very strict set of dimensions that the completed piece had to be within to fit into its own space in the case. It was a very interesting sculpt as the base it could sit on was small (6” x 8”) and the finished height could only be 13” max but I’m happy to say it is now happily in Canada!

Ontario Hare 32cm High

Ontario Hare 32cm High

Possibly the Hare’s last view of greenery from my workroom window before being crated up for its journey

Possibly the Hare’s last view of greenery from my workroom window before being crated up for its journey