So October has been a busy month all revolving around my textile dogs for me with three different venues.
The first is Ruup and Form, a gallery in Hampstead, London which has managed to stay open and welcome visitors in to see the show “Stories we tell’ it is a textile exhibition with myself and three other artists. It opened with London Craft Week and is continuing until the 6th Nov.
I am exhibiting three of my dogs there, almost a pack!
‘Tapestry Lurcher’ on the left, then ‘Little Sitting Dog’ in the centre and ‘Artemis’ Hunting Hound’ on the right
The next exhibition is an online one for charity to raise funds for the very endangered African Painted Dog, a much misunderstood creature that was the subject of one of David Attenborough incredible ‘Dynasty’ TV series. I made my version of a Painted Dog/Wolf, African Hunting Dog (they have a lot of names) and it is still available until Nov 5th (I think)
My beautiful Painted Dog, I had such fun in choosing the right fabrics for this piece, even managed to find some African print.
A lovely face of this stunning creature
The last exhibition is one that will run until Apri 6th 2021 and I hope I’ll be able to get to see it in person! It is an exhibition all about Denim and its place in history, the Show is called ‘Denim’ (surprise , surprise) and is to be seen in Basel, Switzerland at the Spielzeug Museum. It is such a privilege to be part of this huge Exhibition and see my dog on a plinth in a glass case!
My denim dog, made from a friends old jeans and shirts, I wanted to keep as many of the old seams in as possible.
There he is amongst all the other many exhibits